Breaking the fourth wall: Why we’re starting a blog.

“C’mon Patrick, everyone and their uncle has a blog. Why are you starting one?”

Great question dear reader, thank you for asking. Put simply, we believe we have a unique perspective to add to the conversation.

But before we get started, the fourth wall, for those who are not familiar, is a term used in television, film and theater to describe the concept of an imaginary wall existing between actors and their audience. While the audience can see through this wall, the actors act as if they cannot. This is usually achieved by actors avoiding looking directly into the camera in a film or avoiding making eye contact with the audience in a theater. It creates an illusion that the actors are in a different world in which the audience doesn’t exist. In turn, this allows the audience to suspend their disbelief and enjoy the show. This illusion can then be broken if actors look into the camera or talk directly to the audience. The experience of the fourth wall being broken allows the audience to become something beyond just a mere observer.

In the same spirit, dear reader, we hope to invite you to participate in this journey. We hope to nurture a direct interaction that we will kick off by candidly sharing the purpose of this blog from our perspective as business owners. Let the show begin.


Why are we actually starting this blog?

To cut the long story short – to position ourselves as thought leaders in our space.

By sharing our thoughts and ideas, we hope to showcase our unique approach to problem solving and in doing so build a bridge to a meaningful connection with our preferred clients as their preferred partners.


Who is our target audience?

Bold but thoughtful brands.

These are not four random words from a marketing conference. Follow our thinking. Bold means they are open to new ideas and are always striving for continuous improvement. Thoughtful means they have clarity on their goal (impact), purpose (drive) and outcomes (metrics) that give them their mission. We say brands, and not companies, because it implies a sense of an existing and intentionally curated identity. Finally and most importantly, we believe that being bold and not thoughtful leads to recklessness, while being thoughtful and not bold leads to analysis paralysis. Therefore, “bold but thoughtful brands”, introduces the idea of courage being tempered by the wisdom of experience.


How does this blog meaningfully bridge a connection to our target audience?

Simple. By demonstrating our capacity and competence.

Capacity can be shown by sharing ideas on what we can do, while competence can be demonstrated through client case studies as proof that we have done it with other partners. This is a sure way of signalling to like-minded individuals and teams that we are a great fit and could build something great together.


What does success look like?

In a word, growth.

Success for this blog will be achieved in being able to reach a new audience of potential preferred clients and partners. This could be in the form of collaborations or simply a sharing of ideas that inspire and help us all to better drive and navigate growth.

If this sounds like a journey you might find interesting, be sure to keep an eye on this space. We have a lot to share. Thank you and have a great quarter.

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